Thursday, August 29, 2013

Antiques in Amberg

Who would pass up a day shopping for German antiques followed by exploring a German town? Definitely not this girl. Despite moving out of Germany in about a week, with little in my house besides clothing and the bare essentials, it didn't take much for my friends to convince me to join them in an antique shopping trip for one last German experience. So to Amberg we went, in search of some precious antiques.

Norbert Antiques is a store in Amberg owned by a German man named Norbert (wonder where the name came from). He goes to estate sales and finds awesome furniture, glassware, china, clocks, etc. and cleans them up to resell. Many Army wives have antique furniture from his shop. This is more or less another Army wife "must do" while living in Germany. Since I knew furniture wasn't an option for me, because I couldn't possibly get a piece of furniture back to the States with me at this point, I was hoping to find a cute something to take with me to claim my Army wife roots of antique shopping in Germany.

Inside the barn
Inside the shop
And find something I did! While rummaging through a china cabinet I happened upon a wein (wine) pitcher with 5 matching cups, and I got a great 10 Euro bargain! I also found a large stack of Hitler pictures that were interesting enough to talk to Norbert about. We learned that these pictures were from old cigarette deals. People would earn points for buying cartons of cigarettes, and when they earned enough points they could mail in the points, and the cigarette company would mail back a picture of Hitler. There were hundreds of pictures in this collection, but I chose just one to help me commemorate the antique shopping occasion.

In the town of Amberg at another antique shop I found a wooden stein that looked like a barrel, so naturally I bought that too. So I left the day with a great collection of antiques to take back to America with me.

My antique collection from the day!
After shopping we walked around the downtown platz of Amberg. It was fun to see another beautiful German city while enjoying great company.

Tammy, Jill, me, and Anna
Fountain in the square
Farmer's market
Sigh, beautiful Amberg
After sightseeing we ate an amazing German meal at a local brewery called Schloderer Brau. Spatzle was my dish of choice (I have to eat as much as possible before we leave), along with a yummy beer. Oh how I am going to miss German food and beer!

Inside the brewery
The bar area
Best lunch ever
Jill and me with our lunchtime view
Anna and me outside the beer garden area
It is safe to say the town of Amberg and antique shopping stole my heart, but lovely company helped make that all the more true!  

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